كان منظرها رائعاً وهي تجلسُ على كرسي والدتها مادةً جسدها الصغير لتصل يديها الى الورقة التي ترسمُ عليها زورقاً و تلونهُ بما لديها من ألوانٍ تعكسُ برآءتها؛ لم أستطع أن أقاوم جمالها و هي تبتسمُ آخذةً مني العلبة , إنحنيتُ عليها و قبلتها على وجنتها كما لو كنتُ أقبلُ ملاكاً فأستلهمُ منهُ بعض الطهر. تركتها وانا أدعو ربي أن يحفظها و لا يختبر أهلها فيها يوماً.
لطالما تمنيتُ أن أكون طفلاً لا يكبرُ أبداً؛ يتصرفُ على هواه, لطالما تمنيتُ أن أقفز و ألعب , لطالما تمنيتُ لو أركضُ وسط الحقول ماسكاً بطرف طيارتي الورقية.
الطفولةُ مرحلةٌ لا تقارنُ متعتها بسواها أيضاً؛ و أحلى ما فيها البرآءة التي يتمتعُ بها الأطفال فحتى المسيءُ منهم هو ليس إلا طفلاً أساء لا شر في داخله و لا همجية. برآءةُ تجعلُ الأطفال يستمتعون بالإستماعِ للقصص الجميلة ذات النهايات السعيدة, برآءةٌ تملأُ قلوبهم الصغيرة فلا تجعلهم يكترثون للونٍ أو عرقٍ أو طائفة , يكفيهم أنهم أطفال.
اليوم سمعتُ عن تقريرٍ لم يفاجئني في باديء الأمر ولكنه كان كجرحٍ تأخر في النزيف أو كسهم مسمومٍ شعرتُ بتأثيره بعد قليل , في بلادي, في العراق الجديد, عراق ما بعد الديكتاتورية , عراق حرية اللطم و ضرب الزناجيل و القامات,عراق الغد المشرق الذي لم يبزغ لهُ فجرٌ بعد, عراق الدستور الجديد الذي لم يحترمهُ أحدٌ حتى الذين كتبوه, عراق( الله اكبر) الذي اسقط نجمات الوحدة و الحرية و الأشتراكية الثلاث و تقبل خمسين نجمة من مغتصبي سجناء ابو غريب و قريباً سيتقبلُ نجمةَ داود,عراق الصحوة التي أضحت بلوة ,في العراق الديمقراطي التعددي: العمائم تعددت الوانها و القوات تعددت جنسياتها و الأحزاب تعددت أسمائها و مقارها و أهدافها و المصائب تعددت حتى ما عاد يمكنٌ حصرها.
في هكذا عراق (يابان الشرق الأوسط) تنتشر تجارةُ من نوع مختلف, لم نصنع الأجهزة الكهربائية و لا السيارات كما فعلت اليابان عقب الحرب بل لعراقنا منتوجاتٌ من نوعٍ مختلفٍ تماماً؛ أكثرُ جودة و أقلُ كلفة , في عراقنا الحبيب يتمُ بيع الأطفال, هل هنالك ما هو أروع من الطفولة ؟
لقد وردت تقارير عن صحفيين سويديين (مبغضين للعراق الجديد و للنهضة الحاصلة فيه و لربما يكونون بعثيين أو من أزلام النظام السابق أو على الأرجح من العرب الحاقدين) أنهم تخفوا و دخلوا سوقاً لبيع الأطفال في بغداد و تم عرض طفلة تبلغ أربعة أعوام تم بيعها بمبلغ 500 دولار....ربما لسنا الوحيدين و لكننا الأرخص .
أسواق للنخاسة في وسط بغداد! يا للحرية و الديمقراطية , يا لعدالة الدين و تسامحه ما هذا القدرُ الذي نجيا؟ أطفالنا يباعون لمن يدفعُ, في القرن الحادي و العشرين يتم بيع البشر ليصبحوا عبيداً بعد أن ولدتهم أمهاتهم أحراراً!
مذ سمعتُ هذا الخبر و ألهواجس تطاردني؛ ماذا لو كنتُ أباً؟ أمرُ بظروفٍ صعبة, أعجزُ عن توفيرِ لقمةٍ لأولادي , الجوع يلتهمهم بدل أن يلتهموا هم الطعام, البردُ يهلهكهم و لا أقدرُ على رده , الموتُ يطاردني و يطاردهم, مضطرٌ أنا للهرب , هذا إن وفقتُ بالهرب قبلَ أن تنالَ مني رصاصةُ حقدٍ أعمى, الأولادُ مع أُمهم إن لم تكن قد قتلت أيضاً, في حيرةٍ هي, بلا نقود بلا طعام بلا والٍ أو معيل , الحملُ ثقيل, يتسربُ الأولاد, يلتقطهم أحدٌ مما؛ بعضهم يفخخ و يرسلُ الى الجنة بأسرع طريقة و آخرٌ يسلكُ طريقهُ في هذه الحياة ليبيع السجائر في التقاطعات و منهم من سيدمنُ على المخدرات كحالِ أحدَ عشر الفاً من أطفال بغداد, و الفتاةُ تتعرض للتحرش الجنسي كما هو حال ألعشرات من الفتيات الصغيرات في العراق, و الأصغر يباعون في أسواق النخاسة ليصبحوا دمى يتسلى بها أصحاب الأموال ليشغلوا وقتَ الفراغ الذي يعيشونه.
ما أوردتهُ اليونسيف عن أوضاع الأطفال في العراق يثير الرعب و يبشر بكوارث حقيقية تهدد الأجيال القادمة:
" لم يتمكن سوى 28 بالمائة من الذين تبلغ اعمارهم 17 سنة في العراق من اداء امتحاناتهم النهائية ولم تتجاوز نسبة الذين حصلوا على درجة النجاح 40 بالمائة من مجموع الطلاب الممتحنين في مناطق وسط وجنوب العراق.
• بلغ عدد الأطفال النازحين في سن الدراسة الإبتدائية 220,000 طفل، ولم يستطع عدد كبير منهم مواصلة تعليمهم هذا العام ناهيك عن نحو 760,000 طفل (17%) لم يذهبوا اصلا الى المدارس الإبتدائية خلال عام 2006 .
• في كثير من الأحيان، حُرِمَ الأطفال في المناطق النائية والتي يصعب الوصول اليها من خدمات الرعاية المصممة للوصول الى تلك المناطق.
• 20 بالمائة فقط من الأطفال خارج مدينة بغداد يحصلون على خدمات شبكة الصرف الصحي في مناطق سكنهم ويضل الحصول على الماء الصالح للشرب مشكلة كبيرة.
• بلغ المعدل الشهري للأطفال النازحين بسبب اعمال العنف والتهديدات 25,000 طفل مما اضطر عائلاتهم للبحث عن مأوى في مناطق اخرى من البلاد. وفي نهاية عام 2007 بلغ عدد الأطفال الذين لجأوا الى العيش في المخيمات او الملاجئ المؤقتة نحو 75,000 طفل (25
المائة من الذين هُجروا من منازلهم في اعقاب تفجير مرقد سامراء في شباط 2006)
• لقي مئات من الأطفال حتفهم او اصيبوا في اعمال العنف وتعرض المعيل الرئيس لأسر آلاف الأطفال للإختطاف او القتل.
• احتجزت الشرطة او القوات العسكرية نحو 1,350 طفل، وتزعم السلطات ان الكثير منهم متورط بخروقات امنية" .
أنا هنا أتقد بالشكر لكل أصحاب المناصب في بلدي فجهودهم واضحة و منجزاتهم قد أوصلتنا الى ما لم نكن نحلمُ به أبداً؛ وهل كنا لنحلم ببيع أولادنا؟ أتقدم بالشكر لسماحة المرجع الأعلى آية العظمى السيد علي السيستاني و الذي يكتفي بالصمت كعادته في مثل هذه المواقف (دام ظله الوارف علينا و عالخلفونا ).
أتقدم بالشكر لهيئة علماء المسلمين لجهودها في تهجير الناس و غضها البصر عما يحل بالأطفال و عدم مبادرتها لمعالجة الموضوع أو إثارته.
أتقدم بالشكر لفخامة الثلاثي الرئاسي المرح و لسعادة رئيس الوزراء لنومهم عن هذه الكارثة , أتقدم بجزيل الشكر للسيد رئيس البرلمان و للسادة الأعداء في البرلمان العراقي لجهودهم في تغيير العلم العراقي و إهمالهم لملايين الأطفال في العراق.
براءةُ الأطفال قد محيت في بلدي ؛ الذئبُ مزقَ ليلى إرباً إرباً فما تمكن أحدٌ من إسعافها, و سندريلا العراق تخدمُ في البيوت و مامن جنيةً تظهرُ في حياتها, أما الأميرةُ الحسناء فقد قتلها سحرُ الساحرة و لم يهب الأقزام لمساعدتها, و أما أنا فما عدتُ أرغبُ أن أُصبح طفلاً فما ضمانٍ أني سأنجو من وحشيةِ هذا الزمن؛ وحمدتُ ربي أن الطفلة التي قبلت لا تعيشُ في بلدي فهذا ينجيها أيضاً.
مشيتُ و أنا أُردد (جنة...جنة ...جنة ....جنة يا وطننا)؛ جنةٌ أنت يا عراق, و لكنك جنةٌ بلا خضرة فقد جرفت البساتين في ديالى, جنةٌ أنت يا عراق و لكن بلا نخيل فقد أنحدرت أعداد نخيلك الى أدنى مستوياتها بعد أن سميتَ عراقاً لتشابك عروق النخيل فيك, جنةٌ انت يا وطني و لكن أنهاركَ لا تروي الشاربين و الناسُ بلا مياهٍ صالحةٍ للشرب, جنةٌ أنت يا وطني و لكنك تعيشُ ضلاماً دامساً, جنةٌ أنت يا وطني و لكنَ ملائكتك تباعُ بعد ان كُسِرت أجنحتها فلم يبقَ فيك إلا ملكُ الموت يقبض الأرواح بالعشرات فلا يدعكَ تصبحُ جنة خلد.
حتى نارك جنة......حتى نارك جنة
Thursday, 31 January 2008
Saturday, 26 January 2008
عندما بنى عبدالكريم قاسم مدينة الثورة سماها الثورة , جاء صدام و سماها مدينة صدام و لكن بقينا نسميها الثورة , توسعت و بقأسمها الثورة, نشأت فيها أجيالٌ جديدة لم تعرف قاسم و بقي أسمها الثورة , بلغ تعداد سكانها نصف تعداد سكان بغداد و بقي إسمها الثورة.
لم أُعر إهتماماً لموضوع تغيير العلم الجديد, ليس لأنني مع تغيير العلم و لكن لأن الجديد لا يختلف كثيراً مع القديم , نفس الألوان و بقيت (الله أكبر) في مكانها متوسطةً العلم. و لكن أدهشتني بهجة البعض و إحتفالاتهم بتغيير العلم و كأنما إعجازاً قد حصل ثلاثُ نجمات رفعت من مكانها.
الموضوع هو ليس تغيير العلم و ليس الثلاث نجمات, فوحدةُ ابناء الشعب يجب أن تكون هي الهدف الرئيسي لكل غيورٍ على وطنه, إلا أن الموضوع برمته هو العقدة النفسية التي يعيشها الكثيرون و التي أسمها (صدام حسين).
منذ نيسان 2003 و الى يومنا هذا لم تسعى المنطقة الخضراء لفعل شيءٍ في العراق المحتل عدا رفع صدام حسين من سجلات هذا البلد.
كل ما يمت لصدام بصلة يجب أن يزال من مكانه, الأسمُ نفسهُ يجب أن يختفي و الى الأبد.
أنا أتفق مع هذا فهو ليس إلا مجرمٌ عتي قد دمر البلاد و هجر العباد و أهلك الحرث و النسل و لكن من المضحك أن يتحول صدام الى شبحٍ يطاردنا حيثُ نذهب أو الى شماعةٍ نعلقُ عليها كل أسباب فشلنا و ضياعنا و من ثم الى سلاحٍ نهددُ به من يخالفنا الرأي متهمين أياهم بحبه و الحلم بعودته الى السلطة...حتى بعد أن أستلقى في قبره !!
جسر الطابقين أضحى جسر الحسنين و تتصدرهُ صورة لوجهي أبناء الحكيم تُثير الأشمئزاز, ولكن الجسر بقي جسر الطابقين الذي بناه صدام و لم يكن لأبناء الحكيم فضلٌ فيه و لا منة.
الأسماء يجب أن تتغير و كتب التاريخ و مناهج التعليم حتى الضيوف يجب أن لا يكونوا من ضيوف صدام حسين و أعداء العراق يجب أن لا يكونوا من أعداءه.
ساسة عراق ما بعد الإحتلال يذكرون إسم صدام حسين أكثر من أي شيء آخر فلا يخلو خطاب من خطاباتهم أو مقابلة من ذكره عشراتت المرات, صدام أضحى رعباً يطاردُ أقزام المنطقة الخضراء, يبذلون جهودهم لإبعاده , يستغيثون بكل من على وجه الأرض ليسعفهم منه ولكن بلا جدوى. فعندما يكون خصمنا وهماً نصطنعهُ بأنفسنا ستكون نتائجُ المعركة أن نتحول الى مجانين
الآن قد تم رفع النجوم الثلاثة, النجوم طبعاً ترمز لحقية صدام حسين فهي تمثل أهداف بعثه في الوحدة و الحرية و الإشتراكية : ما ذكرهُ الساسة يثير السخرية , يتحدثون كما لو كانوا مهرجين بلهاء و المستمعين أطفال لا يفقهون شيئاً.
هل نحنُ ضد صدام حسين أم ضد الوحدة و الحرية : و إذا كنا ضد الوحدة و الحرية فهل كان صدام مؤيداً لهما!!
و إذا كانت المنطقة الخضراء ضد الوحدة و الحرية فما هو الهدف من الإحتلال؟
هل نسي المحتفلون بإزالة (علم صدام حسين) أنهم أزالوا العلم و ثبتوا (صدام حسين)؟ أم تناسوا أن هنالك الكثير من الأمور في عراقنا و التي تُذكر بصدام حسين؟
هل ياترى سنسمعُ يوماً بمخطط إزالة العراق لمحو صدام حسين؟
لم أُعر إهتماماً لموضوع تغيير العلم الجديد, ليس لأنني مع تغيير العلم و لكن لأن الجديد لا يختلف كثيراً مع القديم , نفس الألوان و بقيت (الله أكبر) في مكانها متوسطةً العلم. و لكن أدهشتني بهجة البعض و إحتفالاتهم بتغيير العلم و كأنما إعجازاً قد حصل ثلاثُ نجمات رفعت من مكانها.
الموضوع هو ليس تغيير العلم و ليس الثلاث نجمات, فوحدةُ ابناء الشعب يجب أن تكون هي الهدف الرئيسي لكل غيورٍ على وطنه, إلا أن الموضوع برمته هو العقدة النفسية التي يعيشها الكثيرون و التي أسمها (صدام حسين).
منذ نيسان 2003 و الى يومنا هذا لم تسعى المنطقة الخضراء لفعل شيءٍ في العراق المحتل عدا رفع صدام حسين من سجلات هذا البلد.
كل ما يمت لصدام بصلة يجب أن يزال من مكانه, الأسمُ نفسهُ يجب أن يختفي و الى الأبد.
أنا أتفق مع هذا فهو ليس إلا مجرمٌ عتي قد دمر البلاد و هجر العباد و أهلك الحرث و النسل و لكن من المضحك أن يتحول صدام الى شبحٍ يطاردنا حيثُ نذهب أو الى شماعةٍ نعلقُ عليها كل أسباب فشلنا و ضياعنا و من ثم الى سلاحٍ نهددُ به من يخالفنا الرأي متهمين أياهم بحبه و الحلم بعودته الى السلطة...حتى بعد أن أستلقى في قبره !!
جسر الطابقين أضحى جسر الحسنين و تتصدرهُ صورة لوجهي أبناء الحكيم تُثير الأشمئزاز, ولكن الجسر بقي جسر الطابقين الذي بناه صدام و لم يكن لأبناء الحكيم فضلٌ فيه و لا منة.
الأسماء يجب أن تتغير و كتب التاريخ و مناهج التعليم حتى الضيوف يجب أن لا يكونوا من ضيوف صدام حسين و أعداء العراق يجب أن لا يكونوا من أعداءه.
ساسة عراق ما بعد الإحتلال يذكرون إسم صدام حسين أكثر من أي شيء آخر فلا يخلو خطاب من خطاباتهم أو مقابلة من ذكره عشراتت المرات, صدام أضحى رعباً يطاردُ أقزام المنطقة الخضراء, يبذلون جهودهم لإبعاده , يستغيثون بكل من على وجه الأرض ليسعفهم منه ولكن بلا جدوى. فعندما يكون خصمنا وهماً نصطنعهُ بأنفسنا ستكون نتائجُ المعركة أن نتحول الى مجانين
الآن قد تم رفع النجوم الثلاثة, النجوم طبعاً ترمز لحقية صدام حسين فهي تمثل أهداف بعثه في الوحدة و الحرية و الإشتراكية : ما ذكرهُ الساسة يثير السخرية , يتحدثون كما لو كانوا مهرجين بلهاء و المستمعين أطفال لا يفقهون شيئاً.
هل نحنُ ضد صدام حسين أم ضد الوحدة و الحرية : و إذا كنا ضد الوحدة و الحرية فهل كان صدام مؤيداً لهما!!
و إذا كانت المنطقة الخضراء ضد الوحدة و الحرية فما هو الهدف من الإحتلال؟
هل نسي المحتفلون بإزالة (علم صدام حسين) أنهم أزالوا العلم و ثبتوا (صدام حسين)؟ أم تناسوا أن هنالك الكثير من الأمور في عراقنا و التي تُذكر بصدام حسين؟
هل ياترى سنسمعُ يوماً بمخطط إزالة العراق لمحو صدام حسين؟
Friday, 18 January 2008
The Weekend
The weekend is the only time when we can go out, and do whatever we want; it’s the only time to enjoy.
I was always asking myself, how can my consultant do work at the weekend rather than having a break to relax and enjoy his life.
Seems like he has been addicted on collecting money which he doesn’t know how to spend!!
I kept telling myself that I would rather walk in the park, spend time with friends and family; invite the lady in a restaurant, have a romantic time and a good night.
I used to believe, there is no point earning money if people don’t enjoy their life; I believed that my consultant was just wasting his life and loosing his health and energy for no reason; I kept telling myself that I would never accept such a life.
The first week at work has just ended, life is totally different when we are working; many ideas, many new plans and dreams, different attitude to life, hopes, wishes and looking to the bright future and of course earning money. To sum up; I feel like being someone worthy.
Tomorrow will be my first weekend as a working person, I can enjoy my life as I got rid of the fear and will stop depriving myself from enjoying the weekend.
I keep asking myself; what should I do? Where to go? How to spend the time during the weekend? I should do wonderful things; I’ve got to have fun.
Going to cinema would be something nice, but, I’ve got no friends to go with.
I’ve got no lady to invite for dinner; I wouldn’t make any sense having a meal at restaurant on my own!!
Walking around sounds fine, but I used to do it when I was poor also.
I’ve got no family to have a family day, I’ve got no relatives to visit, what should I do?
I should be doing lots of things; it’s the weekend. I should enjoy it.
While being confused what to do; a colleague asked me whether I’m free on Sunday; “Yes, I am” I replied to her, “They want extra staff in the A&E, if you’re ready to come you’ll be paid in higher rate”.
I agreed and immediately understood why the man is doing so.
Am I going on the same way?
Have a good weekend
I was always asking myself, how can my consultant do work at the weekend rather than having a break to relax and enjoy his life.
Seems like he has been addicted on collecting money which he doesn’t know how to spend!!
I kept telling myself that I would rather walk in the park, spend time with friends and family; invite the lady in a restaurant, have a romantic time and a good night.
I used to believe, there is no point earning money if people don’t enjoy their life; I believed that my consultant was just wasting his life and loosing his health and energy for no reason; I kept telling myself that I would never accept such a life.
The first week at work has just ended, life is totally different when we are working; many ideas, many new plans and dreams, different attitude to life, hopes, wishes and looking to the bright future and of course earning money. To sum up; I feel like being someone worthy.
Tomorrow will be my first weekend as a working person, I can enjoy my life as I got rid of the fear and will stop depriving myself from enjoying the weekend.
I keep asking myself; what should I do? Where to go? How to spend the time during the weekend? I should do wonderful things; I’ve got to have fun.
Going to cinema would be something nice, but, I’ve got no friends to go with.
I’ve got no lady to invite for dinner; I wouldn’t make any sense having a meal at restaurant on my own!!
Walking around sounds fine, but I used to do it when I was poor also.
I’ve got no family to have a family day, I’ve got no relatives to visit, what should I do?
I should be doing lots of things; it’s the weekend. I should enjoy it.
While being confused what to do; a colleague asked me whether I’m free on Sunday; “Yes, I am” I replied to her, “They want extra staff in the A&E, if you’re ready to come you’ll be paid in higher rate”.
I agreed and immediately understood why the man is doing so.
Am I going on the same way?
Have a good weekend
Thursday, 17 January 2008
The wound
Iraq is not just a place where I lived for years, Iraq is something can’t be described by words, it’s the reason behind all my sadness and happiness, it’s my desperation and my dreams, to make the long story short; it’s my whole life which, I can stop anything in it but missing Iraq.
While filling the blood tests request today; I noticed the date; 17th of January; oh God, that date, it took me back, to my third year in the primary school, when my mother rushed into our room, and took us in hers.
It was the first time I hear those sounds; those explosions which were enough to rack our small house, I still remember how scared my mother was and how my father tried to calm her down.
Those weeks never left my mind, the horror, the bad news, the color of the sky, the rockets and the darkness.
In 6 weeks time; all the infrastructure of Iraq was destroyed, thousands of Iraqis were killed and what is equal to 7-14 atomic bombs were dropped on the heads of Iraqis.
The transport was nearly stopped, and the all the basic supplements were cut.
What a long time has passed? Since that date Iraq has never become well, we never had a good time; it was always from bad to worse and worse.
Today and after all these years, I still feel the pain, in few weeks Iraq was taken back to the pre-industrial stage, no energy, no water supplies, even the schools were burnt, the destroyed everything, the never showed any mercy.
I feel sorry that I never had the chance to see the nice peaceful Iraq, I feel sad that I’ve never Iraqis happy without being worried and scared.
The thing which worries me is that despite all the time which has passed, I’m still unable to forgive.
I can’t forgive the arrogant stupid leader who never thought of the consequences, I can’t forgive all the brothers who never tried to tap on our shoulders, or probably who were pleased that our country was destroyed.
And of course I will never forgive the savages cowboys who never showed mercy, never hesitate killing civilians and tried to respect humanity.
After 17 years, the world has been changed; the ones who were planning to wipe Baghdad from the map are talking about humanity, democracy and rebuilding Iraq!
All the Arabs who paid the bill to destroy the Iraq and kill as much as possible of its people are now against the invasion, and crying for the “assassination” of Saddam.
Saddam is dead now; his followers are everywhere dreaming about coming back once.
What a life; the only thing which hasn’t been changed is Iraq and the pain and sufferance of Iraqis, being oppressed, deported and deprived from all their rights, is what Iraqis have been living for years.
I closed my eyes at home and talked to Iraq; it has been a long time; you’re still in pain, and you’re deteriorating, you’re now invaded, will I see you? Will you be better? They say time heals all the wounds, why didn't it heal yours? What a type of wound is yours and how deep it is?
I’ll tell you one thing; one day we will celebrate the complete destruction of those who destroyed you, they’ll regret it, believe me they’ll.
By the way; I really miss you.
While filling the blood tests request today; I noticed the date; 17th of January; oh God, that date, it took me back, to my third year in the primary school, when my mother rushed into our room, and took us in hers.
It was the first time I hear those sounds; those explosions which were enough to rack our small house, I still remember how scared my mother was and how my father tried to calm her down.
Those weeks never left my mind, the horror, the bad news, the color of the sky, the rockets and the darkness.
In 6 weeks time; all the infrastructure of Iraq was destroyed, thousands of Iraqis were killed and what is equal to 7-14 atomic bombs were dropped on the heads of Iraqis.
The transport was nearly stopped, and the all the basic supplements were cut.
What a long time has passed? Since that date Iraq has never become well, we never had a good time; it was always from bad to worse and worse.
Today and after all these years, I still feel the pain, in few weeks Iraq was taken back to the pre-industrial stage, no energy, no water supplies, even the schools were burnt, the destroyed everything, the never showed any mercy.
I feel sorry that I never had the chance to see the nice peaceful Iraq, I feel sad that I’ve never Iraqis happy without being worried and scared.
The thing which worries me is that despite all the time which has passed, I’m still unable to forgive.
I can’t forgive the arrogant stupid leader who never thought of the consequences, I can’t forgive all the brothers who never tried to tap on our shoulders, or probably who were pleased that our country was destroyed.
And of course I will never forgive the savages cowboys who never showed mercy, never hesitate killing civilians and tried to respect humanity.
After 17 years, the world has been changed; the ones who were planning to wipe Baghdad from the map are talking about humanity, democracy and rebuilding Iraq!
All the Arabs who paid the bill to destroy the Iraq and kill as much as possible of its people are now against the invasion, and crying for the “assassination” of Saddam.
Saddam is dead now; his followers are everywhere dreaming about coming back once.
What a life; the only thing which hasn’t been changed is Iraq and the pain and sufferance of Iraqis, being oppressed, deported and deprived from all their rights, is what Iraqis have been living for years.
I closed my eyes at home and talked to Iraq; it has been a long time; you’re still in pain, and you’re deteriorating, you’re now invaded, will I see you? Will you be better? They say time heals all the wounds, why didn't it heal yours? What a type of wound is yours and how deep it is?
I’ll tell you one thing; one day we will celebrate the complete destruction of those who destroyed you, they’ll regret it, believe me they’ll.
By the way; I really miss you.
Tuesday, 15 January 2008
The Stethoscope

I’m always keen on buying the medical instruments and books, I used to collect money and buy something new every few months, I had the electronic thermometer while everyone used the mercury one, eye and ear examination set which no one of my classmates had, and different types of blood pressure measuring instrument (sphygmomanometer).
However, I never bought a stethoscope for myself, the stethoscope is the thing which nearly every doctor needs (especially the junior ones); I consider it like the sword of the knight.
When I was a first year medical student, Mohaned and his parents paid us a visit. Mohaned was always a marvellous, when we were children; he was the only one who my parents really admired, full of wit and enthusiasm, nice and the one who always scores very high in his exams, I could feel that they wished to see their only son to be like this; yet, I was different.
When he visited us; he was four years senior to me in Basra medical school, I showed him my new stethoscope and sphygmomanometer, which both were sent from outside Iraq and really of good quality.
Mohaned put his hand in his pocket and gave me a small box as a gift congratulating me for attending the medical school saying “ I brought you this stethoscope, it’s not as expensive as the one you got but it’s really reliable and it would be more practical to you using it at hospital”.
Then, he taught me how to take the blood pressure measurement, he descried it once but it was the proper scientific way which was not followed by most of the doctors as it more time consuming.
I learnt it from his and kept doing it the way he did.
Few months later and as soon as I finished the first year in my medical school; I went to the A&E department taking his gift and started practicing there, I took it step by step, every holiday and every spare time.
Mohaned’s gift was always with me, in every procedure I attended, in every clinic I sat, and with every patient I examined.
Till the last year in my medical school when that stethoscope became out of use and I had to use the other one I got.
When I left Iraq, I had to leave Mohaned’s gift; which was the only medical instrument I got as a gift from a friend.
The last few days and as I was thinking of what to do with my salary, I thought of buying a new stethoscope, then I decided not to so as it might be expensive and I’m not in need to it.
Today and as soon as I started my first day at work, I got another stethoscope as a gift, I immediately remembered Mohaned and what I did with his stethoscope, all the ones I met since I went to Al-Yarmok hospital, all the people who knocked my door seeking help, all the long way from Baghdad to London through the medical school.
I’m again in the A&E and with a new stethoscope; seems to be a new start for a very long way.
Thursday, 10 January 2008
Sunday, 6 January 2008
The List
To live in the U.K is something costs a lot; London is the second most expensive city in the world in 2007.
When I try to compare things to Iraq; it’s always triple apart from transport and accommodation which can’t be compared at all, to rent a room in house might cost between $(800-1000) and using the bus once costs $2.
In such costly city I have to manage living with the minimal possible expenditure as I’m not working.
I have buy the cheapest possible and to think twice before putting my hand in my pocket. Having a meal in a restaurant, buying new clothes, going to cinema, using the transport when the destination is not that far, using the mobile phone to have a chat, and other accessories are things I avoid as much as possible.
Buying a camera, a new laptop or at least changing the screen which is damaged, a good pair of shoes, and the less important a good quality mobile with a contract not pay as you go are things I decided to postponed till I get a proper career.
I’m not the type of person who cares a lot about having more things and I do feel satisfied with what I’m living, still; I’m looking for a better life.
Money is a complicated matter which I don’t know how to express what I feel about; I was never money minded person, I never put earning money as a priority and never thought about how much I would get or lose when I do something.
However, I do believe that money is something important, it can help us solving our problems and the problems of whoever we care about.
Being penniless is not something I enjoy; I do feel hurt when notice that someone feels sorry for me as I’m not earning well, I would really be hurt if someone tried to help me financially; it doesn’t mean it’s not nice of them but it still painful.
It’s quite hard to me being supported by my family rather than supporting myself.
Isn’t it the money which can solve lots of the problems and make our life better?
Today I went out with my consultant who does care a lot about earning more and more and who told me before that I should care about money.
The man didn’t hesitate spending more than $600 buying an old fashion rain coat.
When we left each other I kept thinking, that sum of money is something can solve lots of problems, I would spent that money buying many things, the man doesn’t look wear things which make him looks elegant.
I asked myself: is he happy in his life? He is not at all, I eat a better food than what he eats, I go out from time to time while he doesn’t, I laugh more and still able to make the ones around me smile.
Could money help? Why doesn’t it? They guy is neither ill nor too old but still doesn’t enjoy his life as all what he does is collecting money.
Thinking this way makes me not to worry too much; there are always more problems, probably the financial one will be the easiest.
Well; I’m still interested in getting salary and buying the things I’m interested in, the good thing with 2008 is; with the beginning of this year I got a hope in getting a job from three different places, one of them is for two years and the others are for short term, still the whole matter is just a hope but getting the hope brings lots of nice dreams.
I started preparing a list, which is getting longer and longer every hour, about all what I’m going to do when I start earning money.
My list starts from buying a gift to my mother from the first payment I get, then something to my little sister who is graduating as a dentist this year, going on to include lots of things such as; sending money to support the orphans back home, attending driving school, and buying the things I mentioned above gradually, and it doesn’t end with collecting money for my holiday, going to Mecca next year for pilgrimage and maybe buying a car on the long term.
I opened a new bank account to get my payment into it, and it’s now empty as I haven’t got any job yet, but I hope I will.
The next week might show some news which could be good; I’m really not ready for another slap.
Just in case I don’t publish anything for the next few weeks, that would mean I got the slap.
For the time being I’ll keep dreaming and extending my list....
When I try to compare things to Iraq; it’s always triple apart from transport and accommodation which can’t be compared at all, to rent a room in house might cost between $(800-1000) and using the bus once costs $2.
In such costly city I have to manage living with the minimal possible expenditure as I’m not working.
I have buy the cheapest possible and to think twice before putting my hand in my pocket. Having a meal in a restaurant, buying new clothes, going to cinema, using the transport when the destination is not that far, using the mobile phone to have a chat, and other accessories are things I avoid as much as possible.
Buying a camera, a new laptop or at least changing the screen which is damaged, a good pair of shoes, and the less important a good quality mobile with a contract not pay as you go are things I decided to postponed till I get a proper career.
I’m not the type of person who cares a lot about having more things and I do feel satisfied with what I’m living, still; I’m looking for a better life.
Money is a complicated matter which I don’t know how to express what I feel about; I was never money minded person, I never put earning money as a priority and never thought about how much I would get or lose when I do something.
However, I do believe that money is something important, it can help us solving our problems and the problems of whoever we care about.
Being penniless is not something I enjoy; I do feel hurt when notice that someone feels sorry for me as I’m not earning well, I would really be hurt if someone tried to help me financially; it doesn’t mean it’s not nice of them but it still painful.
It’s quite hard to me being supported by my family rather than supporting myself.
Isn’t it the money which can solve lots of the problems and make our life better?
Today I went out with my consultant who does care a lot about earning more and more and who told me before that I should care about money.
The man didn’t hesitate spending more than $600 buying an old fashion rain coat.
When we left each other I kept thinking, that sum of money is something can solve lots of problems, I would spent that money buying many things, the man doesn’t look wear things which make him looks elegant.
I asked myself: is he happy in his life? He is not at all, I eat a better food than what he eats, I go out from time to time while he doesn’t, I laugh more and still able to make the ones around me smile.
Could money help? Why doesn’t it? They guy is neither ill nor too old but still doesn’t enjoy his life as all what he does is collecting money.
Thinking this way makes me not to worry too much; there are always more problems, probably the financial one will be the easiest.
Well; I’m still interested in getting salary and buying the things I’m interested in, the good thing with 2008 is; with the beginning of this year I got a hope in getting a job from three different places, one of them is for two years and the others are for short term, still the whole matter is just a hope but getting the hope brings lots of nice dreams.
I started preparing a list, which is getting longer and longer every hour, about all what I’m going to do when I start earning money.
My list starts from buying a gift to my mother from the first payment I get, then something to my little sister who is graduating as a dentist this year, going on to include lots of things such as; sending money to support the orphans back home, attending driving school, and buying the things I mentioned above gradually, and it doesn’t end with collecting money for my holiday, going to Mecca next year for pilgrimage and maybe buying a car on the long term.
I opened a new bank account to get my payment into it, and it’s now empty as I haven’t got any job yet, but I hope I will.
The next week might show some news which could be good; I’m really not ready for another slap.
Just in case I don’t publish anything for the next few weeks, that would mean I got the slap.
For the time being I’ll keep dreaming and extending my list....
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