Sunday, 23 November 2008

Heading to Haj

Dear all

I'm inshjallah going to Haj tomorrow, I can't belive that I'm only one day away from the Holly Land.
I'm so excited and unable to express but it's really a big dream coming true.

I'll be away for three weeks and will hoepfully write later about it.

Please stay safe

I'll be praying for you.



Sunday, 16 November 2008

منطق الأحقاد

رغم كل ما مر بنا ويمر, لم يتملكني يوماً الشعور بالانتماء إلى جهة أو مذهب, لا نسباً و لا معتقداً!
وكان الحديثُ في هذا الأمر و ما يزال بمثابة اللعب بالنار, فهو القادر على فتح أبواب جهنم على من يخوض فيه.

في صراع السنة و الشيعة؛ نستطيع أن نتفهم الكثير من المتناقضات و الفوارق و نتعامل معها...
طرفٌ ركز على بطولات شخصيات معينة متجاهلاً الكثيرين, ليمنح من يتبع كل الشرف و الأحقية
و طرفُ أخذته ردة الفعل فلم يعط تلك الشخصيات ما تستحقه, ليقوم بتوزيع الأدوار بالتساوي بين الجميع!
طرفُ لجأ للاختلاق القصص و الروايات ليمنح مكانةً أكبر لمن يحب
وطرفُ تجاهل حوادث معينة أو تركها تكتب بصورة مبهمة في صفحات التاريخ, كي لا تسلط عليها الأضواء!
طرفٌ غالى في محبته و تودده حتى أتى بطقوس لا تنسجم مع عقل و لا منطق و لا تصدر من عاقل
و طرفٌ ركز على إنكار هذه الطقوس كما لم يكن هنالك مشكلةٌ سواها في هذا الكون الواسع!

و من ثم يأتي مبدأ خالف لكي تخالف, ليتصدر كل ماهو متفقٌ عليه فلا يترك لنا أمراً إلا و نحن فيه منقسمون على أنفسنا, نترك فيه الجوهر و نركز على تفاصيل سخيفة لا سبب لوجودها إلا خلقُ حالة من الانقسام و الخلاف.

كل هذا مفهوم أو بالأحرى قد تعايشنا معه و تفاهمنا و للأسف استسلمنا له.

ولكن, ما شاهدته اليوم كان فوق حدود التحمل, لا يمكن أن يوصف ما يهذي به هذا الوغد إلا إسفافاً و قلةُ أدب.....

هنا تأتي (لماذا؟) كبيرة تتبعها جحافل من الأسئلة لا أجد لها ردوداً
لماذا الخوض في أعراض نساء لا ناقة لهم في هذا الخلاف و لا جمل؟ و ما الذي سيزيد هذا أو ينقص؟ هل هذا من أخلاق الإسلام في شيء؟ أم هل أنه من أخلاق آل بيت محمد عليهم و عليه صلوات الله.
لماذا يجب أن نربي أجيالاً على الكره و الحقد و الطعن؟ هل هذا سيجعلنا أقوى منطقاً أم أكثر إقناعاً.
لماذا لم و لن نلجأ للمنطق و الحوار بدلاً من السب و اللعن؟
لماذا لا أرى دعوات واضحة (إلا من السيد حسين فضل الله) لإيقاف هكذا وقاحات؟
لماذا لا نرى ردود فعل قوية على هكذا قلة أدب و إسفاف؟

أستغرب كيف نحب رجلاً و نخوض في سيرة زوجاته و نلعنهن كل يوم ! و كأننا نعامل رسول الله(ص) كما لو كان ضعيفاً مغلوباً على أمره, لا حول له و لا قوة!
أوليس هذا هو الذي جعل منا أمةً واحدةً بعد أن كنا أذلةً و مغلوبين

لا حول و لا قوة الا بالله و حسبي الله و نعم الوكيل

للتنويه: المعلومات في التسجيل أعلاه كاذبة, فأم أبي بكر (رضي الله عنه) {أم الخير سلمى بنت صخر التيمية بنت عم أبيه يلتقيان في النسب مع رسول اللّه في مُرَّة بن كعب } قد أسلمت بعدما دعى لها رسول الله(ص) في أوائل الدعوة.
و أم عمر (رضي الله عنه) { حنتمة بنت هاشم بن المغيرة بن عمرو بن مخزوم } من أقارب ابي جهل, أي من أشراف قريس

Saturday, 1 November 2008


It's becoming really cold nowadays; seems the real winter has started and earlier than what I thought, Manchester is gray all the time, it's rare to see the sun, and it's really depressive weather.
When you live on your own, far away from everyone, in this cold weather, you'll have nothing but thoughts, random thoughts, flashes and images, for no reasons they come.
I find myself discussing different subjects with myself and ending up with no solution.
In the middle of this loneliness(R)'s story was one of those many things flashed into my mind.
I never met the guy, it was just a short story told to me by a relative when I asked about his mooning mother who keeps talking about sorting problems with his x-wife's family and the divorce details.
He hadn't been married for a long while when he got divorce, so;
"Why did they get divorced?" was my question.
(Because when he got married he realized that the lady was not…….) was the clear informative answer, and I could easily fill the blank.

Here is another crucial subject, another interesting matter in our pretty unfair societies, a subject which is probably a red zone or a taboo; it could be even beyond that, as arguing about it might raise many question marks.
It's the best example to prove how blood seeking people we can be, it's a clear evident that women are so oppressed and misjudged in our societies, it shows clearly that how a human being is not more than an object belongs to someone and for that one only

I'm talking about the first night, about what all the grooms(and probably their families are expecting) it's the HYMEN, that small membrane in the front of the genital area of every virgin, what everyman got to make sure that it's intact and not been touched before.
And in case it's not there, you'll be duty bound killing her, beating or at least sending her to her family filled with shame to arrange for her funeral.

To give further explanation for those who don't speak Arabic; in our countries and many other countries, women are supposed to stay virgin until they get married, they can only prove this by making sure that their hymen are intact, otherwise they'll be a shame and disgust.

I'm not here encouraging people to have sex without marriage as this is against my social and religious morals, and I'm not here trying to say that other societies are better than us.
I'm just trying to ask questions and discuss beliefs which we've been brought up to hold, without being able to discuss.

My starting point will be that no man is being asked or judged whether he had sex before or not!!
In Islam; both men and women are not allowed to have sex other than being married. They both get exactly the same punishment in case they were witnessed by four or more people
The only funny thing is what called Muta'a marriage (temporary marriage) which is only allowed for non virgin women!!!

Obviously; it's not only in our societies, as I've been told about what they call (handkerchief test) in some places in Spain.
All what they expect are few drops of blood!!

We've got to highlight that there are situations when the membrane get ruptured without having sex like riding bicycles, doing heavy exercise and masturbation.

This matter is really complicated when we take it from two different corners, the first one is how we were brought up, we never thought why should we accept this? We all have this hidden inside us, we don't try to control this madness or correct it, we simply tranfere it from one generation to another, no matter how educated or civilized we are; it's a matter of honor, pride and dignity.

The other one, which everybody ignores, is,: how the girl will be feeling? How stressful, embarrassing and insulting that will be for her.
Could anyone imagine a lady in this situation? How she would be thinking, what would happen if the guy misjudged the situation and accused her?
Have we ever paid attention to this? We're simply not ready to think about it.
Unfortunatelly; we rarely see someone shows sympathy for a girl who is not virgin.
I'm here simply asking; why should we accept this? Why should we let it go one? And is there any hope that it changes?

In this cold weather, while I'm freezing, I sat down in my bed, thinking about this more and more.
Questions started to raise; I just imagined myself became in love with a girl, went forward loving her, and felt really that I want her, got really convinced that she would be the one I'm ready to spend the rest of my life with her, everything is wonderful, and then she came up with confession, sitting in front of me telling me that she is no virgin.
How should I reply?
I'm against this stupidity
If someone is good, he/she is good
We all commit sins
Good ones are the ones who try to correct their mistakes
Honest people are the ones we should respect and admire
It would be much easier for her to lie and undergo an operation
I kept concentrating…

It's like a conflict inside myself

.I really don't know

Thanks God I never been in this test