Sunday, 26 October 2008


تساؤلاتي لم تبدأ اليوم, بل بدأت مع التاسع من نيسان الأسود عام 2003, في تلك الفترة شعرت أن ناقوس الخطر قد دق و أن هنالك أمراً يدبر.
مع تعيين مجموعة الشراذم و الصعاليك في ما سمي حينها ب(مجلس الحكم) بدأت الصورة تتضح أكثر: الامعة القميء (محمد بحر العلوم) يقفز من مكانه كما لو كان ابن سبع سنوات ليهتف ضد العرب (كنا لهم عوناً في كل نائبة فكانوا لنا حمالة الحطب), أنبرى حينها بالتصفيق الحار رجلٌ يمتاز عن بحر العلوم بأنه أقذر, ألا وهو جلال الطلباني.
أذاً الرسالة واضحة و من أولائك الذين أختارهم المحتل ليكونوا على رأس السلطة....العرب هم أعداؤنا!!

فكرتُ في الأمر مراراً و تكراراً: لماذا علي أن أكره العرب؟ لماذا هذا السعي لقطع العراقيين عن العرب؟ لماذا؟ و لماذا؟ وفي أحضان من يريدوننا ان نرتمي؟ و من المستفيد؟

أنا لست هنا في صدد أخذ الموقف القومي المتعصب, و لستُ ولله الحمد بوقاً لأحد و لا أدافع عن جهة أو تيار, أنا هنا أطرح تساؤلات أثارت فضولي.
و لأبدأ بصورة أعتبرها صحيحة, فأنني لن أنكر وجود خلافات مع أشقائنا العرب و في النفس منهم جرحٌ و على اللسان عتب.
فالدول العربية دعمت بل كانت عاملاً مهماً في إستمرار الحصار البشع على العراق, و ما تمكنت من اتخاذ موقف مشرف من الإحتلال ولم تتحرك لمنعه.
و كثيرٌ من العراقيين تعرضوا لأهانات شتى في البلدان العربية و يعانون الأمرين, ولم ننسَ بعد ما جرى للجمهور العراقي في الأردن قبل عام.

لكن ما أناقشه هو أبعد من هذا بكثير, أنا أتساءل عن سبب خلق تيار يدعو للتنصل من العروبة و التنكر لها, أنا أتساءل عن محاولات للارتماء في أحضان هذا و ذاك لمجرد انه يعادي العرب.

على الرغم من كل ما في النفوس, علينا أن لا ننكر أن هنالك زهاء المليوني عراقي ولربما أكثر يعيشون في مختلف الدول العربية.
أجل الدول العربية امتلأت ولم تعد مستعدة لاستيعاب المزيد ولكن السويد الشقيقة أيضاً لم تعد مستعدة لاستقبال أحد و كذلك هولندا و بريطانيا.
أما الشيطان الأكبر فمازال يلوح بوعود استقبال بضعة ألاف من العراقيين.
علينا جميعاً أن لا ننكر أن العرب هم أول من نتوجه لهم حتى من دون تفكير, و هم أحن علينا من سواهم رغم كل مايذكر خلاف هذا.
فأيران العابثة ببلادنا و التي يميل لها رؤوس السلطة و لا يتوانون في لعق أحذية حاخاماتها و إرضاءهم بشتى الوسائل, إيران هذه لم تكن أحن علينا من العرب, لم أسمع عن أناس هجوا من العراق و من ضيم التهديد إلى إيران المسلمة.

حتى في سنوات الحصار الجائر و رغم خيانة الحكومات العربية, وقفت الشعوب العربية مواقف مشرفة و حاولت مد يد العون للعراقيين (ماعدا الكويتيين لا حياهم الله).
علينا أن لا ننسى طائرات الإغاثة التي لم تتردد الأمارات العربية في إرسالها حتى طلبت الحكومة العراقية أنداك إيقاف هذه المبادرة, و علينا أن لا ننسى عروضاً عربية بدفع أجور التعاقد مع مدرب أجنبي للفريق العراقي.
علينا أن لا ننسى رغدة و محمد صبحي و غيرهم ممن لم يتوانوا في زيارة العراق رغم العزلة المفروضة عليه لينالوا تشهيراً و تنكيلاً كما لو أنهم قد أقترفوا جرماً.

علينا أن لا ننسى أن الذين يجلسون على رأس السلطة اليوم في العراق المحتل كانوا يؤيدون أستمرار الحصار على العراق و هم سبقوا سواهم لدعوة الولايات المتحدة لاحتلال العراق ولطالما أكدوا امتلاك العراق لأسلحة الدمار الشامل.

أنا لا أنكر أن الخلاف الطائفي المحتد بعد الاحتلال هو سبب من أسباب هذا النزاع, ولكن من واجبنا أن نعالج هذا الموقف لا أن نؤججه.
لا تزال مشاعر العرب مع العراق و العراقيين, مازالوا يحملون نفس الروح و تحركهم مشاعر المحبة لا البغض.
تجمعنا الكلمة و اللحن و البسمة و الغيرة و النخوة و المروءة و غيرها من الطباع.
من المثير للأهتمام أن باقي الأمم تعتز بقومياتها و نطالب نحن بالتنكر لقوميتنا, من المثير للأهتمام أن ايران المسلمة تحتفل يوماً واحداً بعيد الأضحى و يوماً واحداً بعيد الفطر و لكن الأحتفال برأس السنة الفارسية يدوم خمسة عشر يوماً.
ما يجمعنا بالعرب هو أكبر بكثير مما يعزلنا عنهم, وما يشدنا اليهم أقوى بكثير مما يبعدنا عنهم.
علينا جميعاً أن ندرك أن ندرك أن العرب هم بعدنا الأقليمي و واقعنا و مستقبلنا, ما يضيرنا يضيرهم و ما يضيرهم يضيرنا , الموقف السلبي من العروبة لن يقودنا إلا إلى الهاوية.
أنا من ناحيتي فخورُ جداً بكوني عربي, و أشعر بالفرح عندما ألتقي عربياً هنا فعلى الأقل يفهم أحدنا الآخر حتى وأن لم يتحدث.
و أن كان حبي للعروبة جريمةً فاعتبروني أول مجرم.


Anonymous said...

I totally feel what you are saying..and I'm so proud and will always be for being an Arab..whether others liked it or not!
But...don't u think that Arabs have caused us as much harm as the Iranians?? I mean seriously,,,what about the evil and vicious role played by Saudia Arabia to instigate some of the secterian division that we are suffering? don't you think that their overt and covert trials of sending their filthy suicide bombers(many of the Gulf countries) to our land is unforgiven and painful? Don't you think that if they stood beside us from the beginnig, this wouldn't make Iran has all the guts and expand like that in Iraq?
" what Jordan did last year"...oh please.. you mean what they have done from the beginnig with their astonishingly mean attitudes and horrible humiliation , AND stealing our oil just like others! and considering every non-Sunni Iraqi as non-Arab?!!
Did they ever try to alleviate the secterian division or they were instigating it just like Iran?
Yes, out people are living in the Arabic countires,,,but HOW are they living? or you need to listen to a myriad number of bitter stories?
and Raghda and Muhammed Subhi?????? you gotta be kidding us right? or you do not know what was the motive behind their visit, AND WHO PAID THEM AND HOW MUCH THEY WERE PAID to bark their mottos of sympathy for us, while our people were starving?
and if the current govt. now paid them to come, you think they wouldn't do it?
yes..they still support us and love us as you said..but doesn't everyone say so?! lol you will hear the same when you listen to the Iranians!! and so and so..everyone is claiming this..but ACTION SPEAKES LOUDER THAN WORDS.

with all this..I still feel that we belong to Arabism before anything else..we are Arabs before being anything Arabs feel the same way about us, I wonder?

I read your posts whenever I have the time, and respect your opinions..but don't know why I started to detect the secterian tone lately in them..maybe it's a virus!

an Arab Iraqi

A&Eiraqi said...

Arab Iraqi
Doesn't sound that you quite agree!

At the begining; I'm not defending any side or government and I don't know why you think my posts sound sectarian as I don't have a sect.

The ones who bombed theirselves are not doing it only in Iraq but everywhere, probably supported and pushed by their government to get rid of them.
Yet, not all the fighters who crossed the borders were evil.
I was in Al-Yarmok hospital in Baghdad during the war and I remember them very well; many of them were teenagers who came with the dream of defending Iraq and Islam and fighting America.

And I agree that many Arabs(not all of them) foolishly ignored what was happening and what those bombers are causing on the hope of liberating Iraq and getting rid of America.
But, with this point; I started latley think in complicated way.
Many people love Saddam,they ignore all what he commited and defend him.
Many people defend Khomeni, no matter what he did to Iraq or Iran, no matter how ignorant and sectarian he was, they defend him and consider him the Immam.

I myself love Nasrallah, I know that many Lbanese hate him, yet, he is the one who is fighting the zionists, I don't like seeing him being an Iranina follower but this wouldn't matter with me, still he is fighting for our dignity.

The next point, it's more complicated when we talk about the Arabic role in Iraq, everyone in the Arabic street was against the invasion, yet, Americans were supported by most the Arabic goverment.
I highlited what the stupid Bahr El-3uloom did, wasn't that a clear message to Arabs that we don't want you here?
You can't deny that the anti-Arab attitude was so strong after the invasion, as those American/Iranian puppets told everyone that we will not need Arabs at all.
This was a stupid mistake which they didn't appreciate its consequences.

Bayan Solaqh(Iraqi interior minister) replied in a very rude and harsh way when the Sudian foregin minister claimed that there is a strong Iranin role in Iraq.
Was the Sudian minister lying?
Could you tell me how many times some stupid pseudo-iraqi organisations did demonstration infront of the Sudian embassy here and there? No wonder it was never done infront of the Iranian embassy.

Unfortunatly the sectarian attotude escalated in all the Arabic countries aftrer the invasion and became worse than how it is in Iraq.
That did affect shi'it Iraqis in many countries.
Still many of them are there and not happy to lose their positions.
Would Arabs be able to live in iraq peacefuly now?

Our oil!! who is stealing it now?
Well; Iraq used to give Jordan oil as a gift from Saddam to Jordanians.
After the invasion, we suddenly found ourselves not having enough oil for ourselves!!!
When Iraq used to give that oil, we used to go to Jordan without visa, could stay there for 3-6 months and many(not all of them) could even find a job there.

Nowdays Iraqi government restarted giving that oil to Jordan but without any political support and without letting Iraqis to get into Jordan!!

Raghda! Oh naughty Raghda!
Raghda came to Iraq to say stop that horrible sanction and stop destroying this country.
She was paid for it, probably she was.
Should I remind you, how many of these who claim to be Iraq leaders didn't hesitate going here and there to get money from whoever would offer?
Mohamed Baqir Al-Hakim is a good example who didn't hesitate to go to Saudia Arabia (Wahabis!!) and Kuwait(followers of America!) licked their shoes for money.
It's only when someone get money from Saddam, he becomes bad!!!
At least they were paid after saying (stop destroying Iraq), others were paid to say (please maintain this sanction and destroy Iraq, they've got weapons of mass destruction).

Iranians will never respect Arabs, I can also tell you stories about what is happening to Arabs in Iran, and how they're being treated, also could tell you how non shi'it muslims been treated there, could they chose the names of their children?

You think there is a sectarian tone in my posts.
I also noted.......
Whoever talks aganist the government or the turbans is accused to be sectarian, this is the easiest way to shut poeple up.

Tell me what you found aganist a sect of people, the idiology or people themselves.

Otherwise I'm happy to be aganist both sunnis and shi'its when I see my country been destroyed and invaded just to decide who should have ruled 1400 years ago.

Anonymous said...

Execuse me, I didn't mean to "accuse" you of being secterian..I am in no position that allows me to do so!

it's just that when you denounce al sistani's fatwa to stop watching noor-muhanned series,and happen not to condemn the major fatwa of saudi sheikhs who as i believe has great effect on the Arab might wonder why!

"The ones who bombed theirselves are not doing it only in Iraq but everywhere".

Exactly! however, they come to Iraq claiming that they are defending us, just like those brave brain-washed teenagres whom you met, and then it ends up with them by killing Iraqis, while they go to other countires with their overt hatred and kill right away..and that makes a difference to you because they supposedly had good intention towards us..did I get that right?

and then the first point you mentioned: but then they are doing it for sadam's sake, as you mentioned it, and not for a noble I wrong? or it doesn't matter to you coz, by the same token, you like Nesrallah too thuogh knowing he's Iran follower..but is that a logic? something on the expense on another thing?
I can simply NEVER forgive those bombers..never ever, just like I can't forgive the militia dirty roles in Iraq!

and ofcourse I don't deny the anti-Arab attitude..and NO it wasn't a was deliberate in my opinion..from al-hakim to 'abu il drelat'.etc..
BUT, this (the overt attitude) was not the only cause or resource that instigated the secterian feelings inside Arabs after the occupation, but coz many many of them had it from the I wrong here?
when an Iraqi kid (12 years old) is asked by his Jordanian colleagues in school: what sect are you, and the next day they all happen not to talk or even approach him, you wonder what their parents have told them or raised them to what kind of values?
Is that the authentic Arab values and principles? meaness and hatred?

When a women tries to get to the Jordanian borders, and is asked by the security man: "why are you alone,,hmmm hahaha are you a ....?" you know, don't you think this is as low and filthy as the role played by the vicious Iranian puppets? and so and no this is not is an overt hatred..

about oil..when did we use to go to Jordan without visa? you mean during sadam? well ya but you also had to pay 400'000 per person to get there in case you forgot, and we never had this money so as many many Iraqis..
as for now, I am horribly mad at the maliki's decision for repeating the same thing without putting one condition in return for this exchange.

and if you mean those very arabs who can't live in Iraq peacefully anymore...then no thanks..I simply dont want them in my country! just like I want Iranians to GET THE HELL OUT of Iraq.

and NO, ofcourse not only those who took money from him are the only bad ppl..but every hypocrite as well including those you mentioned.

"At least they were paid after saying (stop destroying Iraq".

so you feel honoured and respected by those people who barked a lil bit when we starved to get some dollars? well then Im sorry coz I dont feel the same!

and, ya..ofcourse Iran is positing its authority on every aspect..not only militias, but even our culture: their Chadoor (however it is spelt), their beliefs,,and economically, for God's sake, whenever I grab a candy bar, I read 'made in Iran' on its back!!!

naaaahhh not everyone who's anti- turban is secterian...grrr this is not what i meant at all..
and I can't find what to tell you abt a certain sect of people, coz I happen to have no sect like you , since i come from a mixed family where both sides agree that both leaders are highly secterian and are messing up on our expenses. but I dont seem to quite agree for sure as you said..for I see both sides have contributed in destroying Iraq, while you seem to be in favor for one of them, or at least think they're less harmful..and that is a big difference for sure!

I love Arabism..IT IS WHO I AM..
I love the Arab culture, traditions, generosity, cuisine , and (al rawabit al mushtaraka, as we studied before) that we have in our language as you mentioned, and many other things..
but I hate the currunt Arab mentality that rules right now..sorry but i can't help it.

we do need a Renaissance..we surely do..otherwise, others will make use of it and our identity is truely threatened!

Narjis said...


al-arab wa al3ruba are brought into iraqi discussions usually not without condemnation.. sometimes done reasonably but it can also be overdone sometimes but It is understandable considering the unusual circumstances Iraq is going through. I do admire that you are not blinded by national pride when it comes to all these sensitive matters you addressed in your last comment.

جميلة كتاباتك أخي
تقديري و احترامي

A&Eiraqi said...

Dear Narjis
Many thanks for your words

تحياتي و تقديري

Arab Iraqi

All right, our views are coming closer to each other.

Will start defending myself;
My agressive harsh criticism to Sistani in the post you mentioned and many other post, is because; he is the only been presented as suprerior to the others.
He is the one who we're not allowed to mention, discuss or argue about at all, in case we do, we'll be considered enemies of Iraq and quite sectarian.
I was really pissed up(And I wrote a post that time, when the iraqi parliment tried to sue Al-Jazeera as they've interviewed someone who crticised Sistani, I smiply got the right to do so.).

Yet, that particular Fatwa was so stupid, I did criticise all the turbans in that post but took him as this was the strongest one in Iraq and the whole post was about someone from Iraq.

And definetly I don't feel that one side is less harmful or better than the other at all.

Prior to the 5th anniversary of the invasion I posted the nice poem of من قال ان النفط أغلى من دمي
In that post I left the photo of Al-Dhari and Al-Dulaimi adressed as زمن النذالة, what else should I have said?

The only thing is; I go with how the situation is and try to crticise the ones who are having the power, it doesn't mean defending the other side at all.

If you go back to my early posts in late 2006 and early 2007, you'll find me very harsh to the other side espcially when I heard about a confrence ran in Istanbul.
With the late silly comment of Al-Qradhawi, I showed my opinion clearly in Abbas Hawazin's blog.

I can confidently say; there is no good or bad side, there is no oppressed and dominant side.

Whoever is looser will claim that he is oppressed.
أو بالأحرى...الحشرات القذرة لم تجد سوى غصن الطائفية النتن يسمح لها بالتسلق عليه.

Back to the subject...

Of course you shouldn't forgive those bombers, I would never do so, we're not that cheap to be killed for the sake of someone wanted to be herro is the vision of few guys with sick mentality.
All what I wanted to clarify is: that is not going to make me hate arabs in general or decline my identity, nor hating militia will make me hate Iraqis.

The matter of (are you sunni or shia?) is not only in the Arabic world or by Arabs.

Arabs would me more cautious nowadays and ask you(from which city of Iraq are you?), don't be surprised: I was asked this question by english, zionists, a pakistani taxi driver picked me to the airport and an indian shoes seller!!
Whenever you say that you're from Iraq,you should expect the next question about your sect!
The most painful when it comes from a fellow Iraqi.

Yes, you're right, whoever is shia will have problems going inside JORDAN, and that is part of what I already highlited and critcised in this post.
I clearly mentioned that there are wounds.

About the oil to Jordan, Saddam used to force us paying that money not Jordan.

If you don't want Arabs in your country, you should expect them not to welcome you in their lands, and many need to be there.

Again Raghda and Muhammed Subhi as example; those people are very well known to be anti-zionists, Anti-Americans, with or without Saddam's help, and they wouldn't cooperate with the current invasion planted government, if it was Abbas Chichan, he would have done so...LOL.

I also hate the current mentality but I believe it needs to be corrected rather than hating our people.